How to arrange your hair salon?
7 February, 2020 by

You have just acquired a room or you want to redevelop your hair salon ?You do not know where to start ?The living room of hairstyle is awelcoming placethat must beadapted to its imageBut it is necessary also think of thespace optimization.We give you some tips here To make your work space to best.

Define your identity

Before you think of decoration, you have to work on your identity.You will define the tone of your hair salon.There are manycriteriaTo take into account to succeed as the range of services you will offer, the customers you want to attract, the prices offered.By putting all these elements flat, you can create aclean atmosphereto these criteria.

The development of your living room

Your living room must represent you!It must be at yourimage, at yourpersonalityand youridentify.Remember to create your Originality, which will differentiate you from your competitors: a section of wall With an original wallpaper, a photo wall, wall frescoes, accessories.

Watch out for the choice of colors!They can devalueYour work like red with copper hair colors.

The most important thing is that your customers must feel comfortable in your hair salon.

Structure your spaces

In a hair salon, there are several spaces with a special function.You have to know welldelimitThese spaces.You can separate them thanks to a small wall, a walk, curtains, different colors, shelves that present your additional sales.But be carefuldo not overloadYour hair salon, it must still remain ventilated.

The point on the lights

Above all, we must not neglect thelightsDuring the development of the show.You should know that according to your spaces, the lights should not have the same intensity.We recommendshed light onYour entrance and your waiting space.You will attract customers from outside.Choose aSoft lightingIn terms of shampoo bins, you will avoid dazzling your customers during the time of relaxation.And finally, your styling zone must havea lot of lights.You can choose lit dressmakers or add lamps. 

Gaelle 7 February, 2020
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